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SunLab : Schedule

Reservations for scheduled classes are listed for the current and (when available) following term. The core schedule for each term is established by the CSE department class schedule, and is usually set around the middle of the prior term. Thereafter, reservations can be made by contacting Todd George. Classes are always afforded priority. TA reservations are not exclusive; others may use the lab during scheduled TA hours.

Lab open hours during the spring and fall terms

Day Open Close
Monday through Thursday 09:00 22:00
Friday 09:00 18:00
Sunday 13:00 18:00

The lab generally closes at 2 PM before holiday periods (e.g. Pacing Break, Thanksgiving, Spring Break). The lab can be opened at other times by prior arrangement.

Spring 2025 SunLab Daily Reservations

Class/Event Professor/Organizer Dates Time
NE3CS Erle Friday, April 25th 12:00 - 17:00
Exam Pearl Tuesday, May 6th 08:00 - 16:00

Fall 2025 Sandbox Daily Reservations

Class/Event Professor/Organizer Dates Time
CSB Connect Various Wednesday, August 20th 09:15 - 10:30

Spring 2025 SunLab Weekly Regular Schedule

January 20th through May 2nd, 2025

Day Class Professor Time
CSE109 Montella 19:15 - 20:30
CSE017 Oudghiri 13:35 - 14:50
CSE017 Oudghiri 15:00 - 16:15
CSE109 Montella 19:15 - 20:30
CSE017 Oudghiri 09:20 - 10:35
CSE017 Oudghiri 10:45 - 12:00
CSE017 Oudghiri 13:35 - 14:50